voltaire said it best...

Sometimes we let our love go unexpressed, especially towards those we love the best.

**why is this soo common? is it that we take each other for granted over time? does it not feel the way it once did so we choose to be annoyed or indifferent? have expectations changed but no one decided to talk about it? are we just too busy?

no matter what reasons we come up with, let today be a day where we remember to EXPRESS our love, especially towards those we love the best. remind them of what you love about them...including the smallest details--even if they say nothing in return-i am a big believer in saying what you feel even if the other person doesn't respond the same or return the expressed love. don't forget the power of a pattern (more on that later) turn over a new leaf- reinvent ways of appreciating each other. 

trust me, i am working on all of this myself, but at the end of the day--all that matters is that you are true to yourself. so....if you love someone--let them know. right now!!!


  1. Although some of us may express it too much...

    No, it's all for the best. :)


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