EPIC RELAY or bust

saw this t-shirt at regionals
today i am going to do something i've never done before. situations like this always make me nervous, but i'm going to do it anyway.a bunch of fellow eugene crossfit members and some friends of theirs will be partaking in the epic relay. a 12 person relay that will run from portland, or to eugene, or. there are several distance options...i chose the almost 18 mile leg. it won't be all at once. although i am still not sure if that will be a 'good' thing or not. i haven't run much--which is usual for me. i tend to only run a few long runs prior to any event i do...which is just ridiculous considering i have a specific time goal so i really need to take it more seriously, but alas, it is what it is. the thing about the relay is...it's not just me. i have a team and while we all say we are just running it to have fun, it would be embarrassing if i did horrible...what if I am the reason the team gets slowed down? what if my calves get pissed off and don't want to work? oh yeah, what if i fall asleep when i am running at 3 am??? all in all, i think it will be fun. my mantra this weekend and ever since regionals has been "be epic" i mean...why not? this is the one freakin' life i have. i get that MY epic may not be someone else's and that is ok. in fact, that's great. i can never be someone else and so...like i try to tell myself often, especially when i get down on myself for not being thinner, leaner, stronger, faster...or whatever negative babble is bubbling about in my brain, be the best you that you can be. that goes all around. be mindful of the energy i bring into anything i do or the relationships i have. if i can just be present today and during every leg of the run, i think it should be a guaranteed EPIC ADVENTURE. 


  1. I loved seeing the photos from this on fbook! How did you guys do?


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