say it like it is

dear whiny emilee. it's time to wake up and freakin' concentrate. while at work, you constantly stare at the clock, hoping that it's time to give your two week notice. you whine to friends about being unhappy and counsel those who offer the same confession to push forward because they totally deserve to do something they love. i get that life isn't just a snap of the finger and poof--but i have always been willing to work hard. i LOVE to work. i work as much as i can most days...that's not the problem. the problem is i do this roller-coaster thought process. one minute i can do anything i put my mind to...the next minute i feel overwhelmingly inadequate...  this cycle is vicious and mean and i am tired...

 i found this quote and think it's great...

"We shall never have more time. We have, and have always had, all the time there is. No object is served in waiting until next week or even until to-morrow. Keep going day in and out. Concentrate on something useful. Having decided to achieve a task, achieve it at all costs." Arnold Bennett

so... i am challenging myself-whether it's a small whisper or a ferocious roar -to focus on finding my career. it is the task i want to achieve and so i will keep going-day in and out...until i achieve it. even if i feel inadequate or the voice of doubt continues to talk... in fact...maybe it's TIME to kick that voice's ass... i mean, what object is served in waiting until next week or even tomorrow? maybe that voice needs to meet me by the bike racks tonight at the gym? ;)


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