with my own two (torn up) hands

right hand
left hand
i've always loved ben harper's song called "my own two hands" where he sings about how he can change the world with his own two hands. i feel the same way only i don't have an insanely cool voice or a fraction of the musical talent he possesses. that said, i do, in fact, have two hands. they spend their time volunteering, organizing events, being creative, and sometimes these hands spend their time at the gym, working out...which in turn helps me to be more useful with said hands. more workouts = less depression.
on monday we did a workout called cindy. it's an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) that is 20 minutes long. 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats. my PR is 3 squats short of 20 rounds. it's been awhile since i've done this workout and i've lost a lot of strength since...which means that push ups kick my ass even more than normal. 
but i set forth. my goal was to do it as prescribed (which for me meant doing push ups not on my knees)
on my FIFTH round of pull ups, my right hand tore. it was a bummer. i looked at the clock, there were still a million minutes to go. so i told myself to man up and keep going. then, on the SEVENTH round...my left hand tore. that's when i got mad and thought...seriously? i didn't get as mad as when i broke my foot one week before sectionals...but still felt like screaming. there isn't much you can do besides keep going or stop once your hands tear. so i kept going and wincing-it really hurt. i finished at 13 rounds...this is substantially fewer rounds than before...which is disappointing...but i didn't stop. and neither have the workouts. needless to say...me and my own two hands have been approaching life a little differently. showers aren't as pleasant (hot water STINGS) and grabbing anything-especially a weighted bar at the gym is just not fun. heck, even writing and typing are less enjoyable. 

but alas, they too shall heal. in fact, they are starting to itch...although i truly can't say which is worse. ha ha!


  1. Amazing the amount of things you can do with just two hands & a big heart. :)


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