eugene polar plunge 2/5/11

i saw a brochure for the polar plunge at a starbucks in portland. said brochure managed to make its way into my purse which i found later. on a day when i was feeling really down. it is days like this when i often find myself saying yes to something as ridiculous as jumping in a river in february. it makes me feel tough, like nothing anyone says or does can hurt me. it makes me feel like i'm choosing to live out loud... so that my depression and all the fears that act as back up singers to the depression...can HEAR ME when i say, you will not stop me. not to mention helping others produces positive endorphins. 
in college i knew of a family that had a child who participated in the special olympics. this is a cause i strongly believe in! it all seemed to fit and come together. so i signed up.
but i didn't want to do it alone. i mean, i would have... but someone came to mind and she is a little crazy like me (in a good way)
i passed the idea by her.... and she was all for it. didn't hesitate for a second. 
each participant has to raise $50 in order to plunge...i donated $10 of my own just to let everyone know i was serious....but i'm putting it out there for any of you who might be interested in supporting my efforts but MORE, MOST IMPORTANTLY, helping a wonderful cause continue for years and years to come. 

my donation website is here

click on sponsor a plunger
enter my name (emilee brent)
and it should give you a link for my donation page

there will most certainly be pictures. i am sure this will be an experience i NEVER forget.
