most people start their "projects" or "goals" at the new year...but i can't wait that long. it has been obvious that i have not focused on me for a very long time and i need to for some reason i always thought this was selfish--but it's not.
what does this project entail? well, it's going to be a multi-part process...there is the athletic goal side of it. there is also the personal hobbies side of it...and i'm sure there is more, but it's early and the wheels in the brain are not spinning yet.

i need a project because i regress when i don't have one. and although i'd like to think that i could just figure it out aimlessly...why send yourself into a forest with no compass if you know you can't tell direction. just take a darn compass doesn't mean you won't still explore the forest...and heck, you might actually enjoy it more knowing you aren't fearing getting lost the entire time.

what i am trying to say in a very drawn out way is...i need structure and a little bit of guidance. i'm 30. i don't have parents telling me what to do...i do have a boss...and there is law enforcement reminding us not to speed...but no one else is going to do a personal inventory to see what's missing...or what you are getting low on. only you know that...only I know that...
and i've been too afraid to actually look....occupying myself with everything else...but i don't think i can ignore it anymore.
so i will start and hopefully this will hold me accountable. if you don't see me posting....please call me out. i really think this could be good for me (not so sure it will be any fun for the few readers i have-ha ha)
at last, this is a new day...and i'm certain that even when it doesn't feel like it...each one is a gift.


  1. Grab your compass & get to work on your journey! I'm sure you find thing you didn't even know you were looking for.

  2. I am curious and can't wait to see where your journey takes you.


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