a week or so ago i was driving to get my daily coffee...which i'm trying to give up...when i noticed the license plate cover of the car head of me...it said "fuzz butts on board"
i did a double take. this was a nice mercedes benz. not sure what model, all i knew is that fuzz butts and benz don't usually go together in my head.
and what the heck is a "fuzz butt" anyways?? i was fairly certain i didn't want to know.
but my overly imaginative brain started picturing different fuzz butts...
and i laughed all the way to work.
this morning, in my groggy state, i pulled forward and happened to glance at the license plate in front of me (for those who don't know...i'm obsessed with license plates)
and what do ya know? it was mr fuzz butts on board!!!!
this time i noticed it mentioned something about being a "pomeranian mobile"....
given that i couldn't remember what one looked like...my dear friend, google, helped remind me....
introducing...FUZZ BUTT!!!!!

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