a year ago...

these pictures were taken about a year ago...it makes me feel a bit frustrated to look at them. to most people it probably doesn't look like much. i've certainly never been some elite athlete with a chiseled body...i've never been a body builder...
but a few days before one of these pictures was taken i set a personal record on my deadlift ---205 lbs!!!
the shot in the blue tank top was the first time i ever did fran rx'd. i cried.
the green tank picture was the first time i did karen rx'd. i cried then as well. and per the usual, i never realized how strong i felt then. how healthy and balanced i was...i was definitely much more strict about my diet and was consistently going to the gym. hindsight is always 20/20.
though i refuse to throw myself some sad and purposeless pity party...i must admit...i'm a little angry at myself. i know what i need to do, which includes not breaking my foot again....
but i need to get my head out of you know where and start building back up. start to implement a gluten free lifestyle and commit to feeling GOOD!
i have a half marathon to run in a few days (more or less) and i haven't been running at all. i admit. i'm not always good at change. running in a new neighborhood is weird. the roads are flat and i miss my hills. but there are no good excuses. if i know what i want then i should get up every day and go after it.
i saw a book the other night called "life doesn't start five pounds from now" and it seemed fitting.
life doesn't just happen when you feel good...sometimes you feel like crap...that's when you have to do some work to get back to that place...
i know it's possible...i've been there before. and i need to set my sights on the summit :)
speaking of...i still need to post about the 5K Love and my St Helens hike!

Happy Friday!!! 


  1. Yeah! Get back to the gym you! Stop feeling miserable and get back to feeling good. I'm going to come visit you soon and you must be happy.

  2. I'm with you. My eating has been craptastic. I have been going to the gym, and running or whatever, but I could be much, much better. My eating has been shit. Anyway, you got this.


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