night owl

blue night owl/image found on web

i have been having the hardest time staying awake when i need to and sleeping when i am supposed to.
this isn't healthy and i realize it but i don't know how to change it. i've tried some supplements and meditation but even when i am successful at falling asleep i still manage to wake up multiple times a night...and then i get up...
i check my email or eat something usually and then tell myself to crawl back into bed.
more times than not i can fall asleep but these patches of sleep are just not doing the trick. i wake up after abusing my snooze privileges. by 10 am i just want to crawl under my desk and take a nap. i don't even like naps. 
my mom would tell you i've always been a night owl and i would tend to agree, but i also wouldn't say i'm one of those i can sleep until noon types either, so what i'm left with is little sleep or sporadic moments of dozing off; and every time i wake up extremely anxious.
i have to believe this is just a sign that something isn't working...something has to change. 
but change is hard and requires i'm going to need to get some sleep.
any ideas?


  1. Well, for one thing don't look at your computer after the sun goes down. I was readying an article recently that said the bright intense light from various hand held devices and laptop computers trick your brain into thinking the sun is still up. This inhibits your brain from producing the sleepy chemical. I've been trying it myself and I've been sleeping much better for it.


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