i'm ready to move

while 'internet shopping' for my future residence on craigslist i found this place.though it's more than i am willing to spend i figure it's a good idea to start collecting images of what appeals to me...

i had fallen in love with a property a few weeks ago but found out today that the applicant who applied before me would be the lucky new tenant. yes, i was super bummed....but i suppose that means there is something else out there for me. 
the thing is...i know what i want---more or less. i'm ok with it totally surprising me but a few amenities are essential.
#1, room with a door...living in a studio for almost 4 years has been great but my cat and i need some separation, especially at night when he tends to keep me up
#2, washer and dryer--this is really important. yes, in this scenario...convenience is everything!
#3 nice kitchen--don't need top of the line appliances (although that would be nice) but i want to be able to start baking more and cooking yummy/delicious healthy meals. oh, and i am super excited for my kitchen and bedroom to be separate rooms!!!
#4 bathtub....yes, i will be active again--as soon as broken foot gate officially heals....soccer, crossfit, cycling, running, hiking, and so on...and ice baths are the best recovery method. definitely necessary
#5 a yard...i want to plant veggies and flowers. i live in oregon for goodness sakes.

dear house...i sure hope you arrive soon. i've been waiting a long time and am ready to move....


  1. I understand your desire for decent appliances. The stove in my apartment sucks. It isn't level, so the pans don't sit flat on it, they have a tendency to tip and then don't heat evenly. The burners don't heat accurately. Sometimes when I set it to 5 (which is medium) it heats more like a 3, other times it heats like a 7 so stuff tries to burn. Very frustrating.
    Are you looking for a house to rent, or a house to buy?

  2. It looks very cool-- I get why you were bummed about not getting it. There's a better place out there for you! It's just waiting for you to find it.


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