Happy Mother's Day

it's funny...i was born nearly a month early and am never tardy to a party but ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you..."she's terrible about giving gifts on time...she'll remember your birthday but your present won't arrive for another 6 months"
at any rate, to all you mothers out there...i hope you had a wonderful day!!! and to my lovely mom....thank you from the bottom of my heart. we've had our share of differences but for the last 30 years of my life...you've been a rock...and like with any great rock formation, it changes shape over time. i feel blessed to know her not just as my mom but as another human being-that i really like!
and this is a gift...because i can see that she is just as real as me--it's ok that she doesn't always wear a super woman cape (even though at times i probably expected her to)  i think i've only seen her sit down twice...and that was probably to tie one of our shoes. she is always helping someone and i feel blessed to have had that role model and hope to emulate her volunteering nature.
she has crazy artistic talent and i feel excited to have inherited some of it...although what i adore most about her is that she is willing to share it...i love that soo many people have her art or sewn creations in their life...in my life. (but i am still waiting for her first ever abstract painting-yes mom, this is a hint)
and though i think i turned out great...the road to today has had its bumps and i definitely made my mom work parental overtime...
but on this day mom (and every day) i want you to know how very proud of you i am!!!
i love you to the moon and back!
it will be soo fun to go to ireland and share that experience together!!

Happy Mother's Day!!!
