as i've mentioned, BFG (Broken Foot Gate) has really started to hit me. i've done no cardio since march 5th and the last time i played soccer was march 4th. my goal intially was to eat SUPER clean. the less junk i put in the landfill, the better i feel. the less processed garbage i put in my mouth, the better i feel...but something happens psychologically when injury strikes. at first, my eyes stay focused on the goal, trying not to miss a beat. but each day brings new challenges. driving, walking up your stairs, showering, getting dressed, the gym....and then out of nowhere, even eating right becomes a challenge.
eating healthy is something i'm pretty passionate about and have been for a long time. granted my version of what that means has changed over the years but all in all i strongly believe food is our 'fuel'--and i'd like to think that i deserve premium octane-the super duper kind. (i think we all deserve it)
but don't be fooled... (or should i say, don't fool yourself emilee)...i'm guilty of indulging in some not so healthy treats from time to time. could be because i had too much to drink or was on a road trip--when i eat just to stay awake. for some reason organic fruits and veggies don't have that "pick me up" like a good ol' bag of Doritos. (ha ha)
or maybe it's because my foot is broken?
and yes, i'm about to blame something on my broken foot. it sounds mean because it can't defend itself but my foot conned me into believing that i should eat them. see, it apparently loves peanut butter and! it doesn't matter that i happen to like love the same combo. especially the peanut butter. my foot knows that i usually RUN away from junk food. such a selfish foot to ill advise me...i wouldn't be able to resist, especially if i had 'support'-plus it knew i wouldn't feel good afterward.
wine after work, peanut butter eggs in bed.
perhaps BF (best friend Broken Foot)was wrong right; i haven't had a peanut butter egg or cup in ages. (justification) so i grabbed one and opened the yellow package. the smell could have been enough--on a normal day. but the circumstances were by no means, normal!
s l o w l y, i 'cracked' the egg into a piece. the perfect piece of course.
and without a second thought, i ate it.
wow! delicious!
my plan was to eat half and return back tomorrow for the 2nd half.
yeah right!!! the only thing i can be proud of is that i waited an entire 24 hrs to eat the 2nd one.
and yes, it was a sad moment to know there were no more. why couldn't they be Reese's Peanut Butter Gremlins? where all i would have to do is throw them in water and more would appear?
wishful thinking...
wait, that was BF talking.... (should have had a muzzle put on instead of this cast!)
what i meant to say was...i'm glad easter only happens once a year. i'm even more hopeful that a broken foot only happens once in a pants are starting to feel a bit snug!
eating healthy is something i'm pretty passionate about and have been for a long time. granted my version of what that means has changed over the years but all in all i strongly believe food is our 'fuel'--and i'd like to think that i deserve premium octane-the super duper kind. (i think we all deserve it)
but don't be fooled... (or should i say, don't fool yourself emilee)...i'm guilty of indulging in some not so healthy treats from time to time. could be because i had too much to drink or was on a road trip--when i eat just to stay awake. for some reason organic fruits and veggies don't have that "pick me up" like a good ol' bag of Doritos. (ha ha)
or maybe it's because my foot is broken?
this year i purchased some easter candy to give to my family, but given the nature of my foot, i ended up staying in town....which meant the basket of temptation did too. there were a few items that i could definitely live without; fortunately those were adopted by friends. but for some reason (i was holding them hostage) 2 of these little guys managed to stick around. to torture me.

yes, we've always been 'close' but i thought this little break might make us stronger. but maybe it has made us more co-dependent? what makes co-dependent relationships so bad? because aside from blaming one another they encourage each other!!!
"emilee, how realistic is it that you would have ever slowed down enough to savor the treat if your foot wasn't broken?" and "do you really want to waste that hard earned money? don't you think you should eat what you paid for?"
throw some wine in there....(BFG has turned me into a rebel) wine after work, peanut butter eggs in bed.
perhaps BF (
s l o w l y, i 'cracked' the egg into a piece. the perfect piece of course.
and without a second thought, i ate it.
wow! delicious!
my plan was to eat half and return back tomorrow for the 2nd half.
yeah right!!! the only thing i can be proud of is that i waited an entire 24 hrs to eat the 2nd one.
and yes, it was a sad moment to know there were no more. why couldn't they be Reese's Peanut Butter Gremlins? where all i would have to do is throw them in water and more would appear?
wishful thinking...
wait, that was BF talking.... (should have had a muzzle put on instead of this cast!)
what i meant to say was...i'm glad easter only happens once a year. i'm even more hopeful that a broken foot only happens once in a pants are starting to feel a bit snug!
Loved it- even though you dissed my fav. cadbury cream eggs ;)
Ahh, yes... The always delectable combination of milk chocolate and peanut butter. Reese's mini-cups were my favorite for years, before I came to realize I was allergic to peanuts. Now if they started making dark chocolate almond butter cups, I would be DOOMED.