my family means the world to me
heading here with my mom in september-so excited!!!
although i'm a true novice, i like to think that one day my pictures won't reflect that
these are a new find...i love how classy and elegant yet playful they are

the world inside a snow globe...i love snow globes
it can't get much better than blueberries. truth be told, i love the frozen ones best
road trips and feet in the open air. yes!
boise. truly a great little spot to hang out.
baby beluga in the deep blue sea...isn't he just adorable. hands down a favorite creature of mine
south island, nz. this place has amazing energy
literally could eat an entire jar of almond butter in one sitting. no joke!
broccoli- how can people not like this stuff? it's delicious!!!
i am crazy about south paws-so i'm thinking i should visit this place and give everyone there a hug. ha!
a shout out to a city i hope to visit in 2010. austin, tx. yee haw!
i'm a nerd when it comes to plates. i will literally speed up or slow down if it means i get to see a plate i've never seen...
ran this in '06. need to run it again...injury free!
dusk is my absolute favorite time of the day...especially turquoise/denim washed skies...soo tranquil.
it rains a lot in oregon...and i like it!
i've always wanted to play the guitar...time to stop wanting and start doing
i adore black pugs...especially the one i get to house sit named Magoo. he and i are buds
turquoise-ish blue is a favorite color of mine...makes me happy.
my favorite number. i have always loved even #'s and it sort of is...3 groups of 3...sounds even to me. ha!
how romantic is this? yes i am a dreamer, but i can't possibly be the only one...i want to have a picnic here after an afternoon of snow shoeing
iceland. someday i'll get there.
ok, i HAVE to go here...would anyone like to join?
baby weims are about as cute as they come...such beautiful blue eyes!
been a proud fan since i was in 5th grade!
i look forward to owning and wearing red boots.
i want christmas on a beach with a tree like this... and a fire pit
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