first there is a squint: as if moles from underground coming up to see what the commotion is about, only to be blinded by a mysterious glowing object in the sky. clouds seem to push and shove, trying to get closer to the rays. i imagine the warmth feels good on their backside as well.
visitors from places like san diego might expect a sunny day while those from the frozen tundra of iowa are accustomed to seeing sunlight, even on a day that registers dangerously low temperatures; so they wonder what the excitement is about.
will there be a parade? circus? an all you can eat buffet? nope...
it's not a bird or a plane, but instead our superhero...the SUN
i don't care to live in a land of eternal sunshine, nor am i willing to endure below freezing temps just to obtain a dose of vitamin d; however, my mood does seem bubblier on days such as these. the energy is more of a colorful buzz than a monochrome blah.
the nectar of the sun infuses our souls with happiness. and it is contagious..heck, even the “View Finder” seemed to be smiling.
never underestimate the power of a smile...or vitamin d.
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