
I know that very few people read my blog but in case anyone stumbles across this post...I need your help. 2010 is about to be born and I need a PROJECT or something that requires a daily if not, weekly project--that can be blogged about... I want it to span over the year.
Imagine the movie Julie & Julia...you know, Julie decides to make each of Julia's recipes in 365 days? I want to do something like that...it doesn't have to revolve around food...but if you have any thoughts PLEASE send them my way. I will be announcing what I will be doing tomorrow.


  1. Hmmm... not sure. You could do something fitness related. You could take on a task or goal of painting 1 picture a month. You could do something with photography. You could make a list of 30 realistic things you wish to accomplish in 2010 and blog about the progress on those things. Those are just a few of the ideas I had. :) Miss you!


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