say yes to the dress?

could i pull this dress off?
project me has started but as most who know me would expect, it's sort of all over the place.
with any project or goal, the vision comes first. when planning the 5k, i saw it long before it happened. i knew how i wanted it to feel. wafflepalooza has been the same way...i've been talking about it since march.not just in a vague, oh yeah, "there will be waffles" sort of way...i can see how the table will look and how i hope people will be smiling as i scan the room--it is going to be fun.

yes, i am either a shot of tequila or a fine wine that has aged over time. extremes. one minute i am indecisive and can't seem to purchase an item that is on my list, even when it is staring directly at me in the store. other times, i see something and think-yes, i must have that...and no, it is not on the list.
as i started project me, i figured at least one element should be over coming fears. fashion is a big fear of mine. i don't worry about my taste--even though the pair from "what not to wear called me" i just told them they must have the wrong number ha ha! what i fear most is actually dressing the part.
for some reason, my vision of WP involves a dress--and not just any dress. nope. the dress i envision has a vintage/western feel. something that would look cute with a dressier shoe or some nice cowboy boots.
during one of my online window shopping sprees, i stumbled across this number.
and have been looking at it ever since. the thing about only being able to look at it through a cyber window is my inability to step inside the store, try it on to see if it...sings to me.
so....i am torn. do i buy it knowing that i can return it or do i try to find something local and not bother with all of the extra transactions and shipping and...? more than likely i could spin myself dizzy with questions, which has been my MO for many years now...fortunately project me is here to help change some of my ways...which in this case means i just need to start "trying things on"


  1. I think I could see you wearing that.
    Wish I could see you wearing that.

  2. You both are very sweet. I may actually end up buying the dress...


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