dragons and princesses

"perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us-once beautiful and brave.
perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us"

Rainer Maria Rilke

i've been feeling my dragons lately...BIG TIME! sometimes my dragons breathe fire as i drive up and down i-5 and other times, my own tears put out the flames.
the last few nights my chest has been the only thing stopping my heart from jumping ship. one of my dragons gets super anxious when things are new and different. body image issues rear their heads from the dark caves that have kept them at bay for some time now...another dragon doesn't do well when it doesn't know where things stand. confusion and mixed signals send this creature into upheaval
and i will admit-- i don't know what to do. 
i want to be beautiful and brave and swear sometimes, with all of my heart, that i am. sometimes the reflection looking back at me is one of the most powerful things i've ever known and then...a break up. a co-worker's words. a friend's email. the clerk at a store. or receptionist's look at a dr's office.
even those things that seem ever so subtle trigger me and i become insecure and my confidence vanishes...without a trace style. 
i truly have been trying to help this helpless something or other. the biggest difficulty lies in trying to be a 30 year old, wise, confident, secure, and authentic woman who still has a little girl inside of her that hurts. and though most will say "don't live in the past" i say...what happens when the past lives "inside" of you. 
perhaps someday i will get to have a princess party where everyone is dressed up like dragons. or maybe our dragons can dress up like princesses. either way, it's safe to say that while a dragon may be like a princess or vice versa, i don't think either has it easier...
but i do think that we all deserve to see ourselves as beautiful and brave. 
and not just see it...but actually believe it. 


  1. Self esteem comes and goes - that is a given - that is a constant. It is true for everyone. Love you.


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